Interoperability Land ™

Our cloud-hosted, collaborative digital test bed is a cutting-edge platform designed to meet the needs of complex FHIR implementations.


A solution enabler, testing environment, community support platform and technology incubator

Meld Global (Interoperability Land Free Tier)

Supported by Interop. Community, an  open-source cohort of organizations, Meld is a free testing sandbox.

Interop.Community is free to join. Members help set direction for Meld open-source enhancements, support Meld free tier users and contribute developers to advance Meld functionality.


Interoperability Land ™ 

An advanced FHIR testing platform designed to meet the needs of complex FHIR implementations.

SLA supported by the Interoperability Institute, and contains access to many integrated 3rd party applications, offers enhanced synthetic data (more patients, more history, more conditions) and much more.



Rigorously test, certify, and deliver applications to meet standards, performance, and scalability requirements


Collaborate with other organizations to develop and test interoperable, standards-compliant solutions


Simulate a state/national Health Information Network (HIN) and emerging Health Data Utilities (HDU)


"Fail forward" in a safe, risk-free environment with completely synthetic patient data and personas

Pricing Plans

Interoperability Land ™ Tiered Pricing

Interoperability Land’s ™ advanced functionality, not available in the Meld Global free tier include:

  • EHR simulator
  • Enhanced patient viewer
  • Clinical data repository
  • Integration engines
  • Workflow modelling tools
  • Terminology services


Let’s join forces to harness interoperability at scale!