This synthetic healthcare dataset, generated using a statistical population health model and Monte Carlo simulation, contains highly realistic patient records designed for safe testing without disclosing PHI. It’s for single-organization use only.
Key Features:
- 500 synthetic patients with 1 year of longitudinal healthcare data
- Emulates clinically relevant treatment scenarios based on healthcare encounters
- Common conditions included: Appendicitis, Cancer, Covid, Diabetes, Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Pulmonary Embolism, and more
- Realistic gaps in information to mirror real-world healthcare records
HL7 Message Standards Included:
- ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer):
- A01 (Admit/Visit Notification): 484 messages
- A03 (Discharge/End Visit): 484 messages
- A04 (Register a Patient): 2,991 messages
- VXU (Vaccination Update):
- V04 (Unsolicited Vaccination Update): 1,098 messages
- ORU (Observation Result):
- R01 (Laboratory Results): 299 messages
- CCD (Continuity of Care Documents):
- Fields: Demographics, Medications, Allergies, Encounters, Diagnosis, Lab Results, Immunizations, Social History
- Total: 300 messages
- FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources):
- JSON FHIR R4 bundles
- Total: 300 bundles, ~30,000 FHIR resources
For multi-partner use or custom datasets, contact us for more details.