
Synthetic Data

Artificially generated, informed by actual patient data, but not directly derived from individual records


Synthetic data, in its many forms, has the potential to unlock innovation

Curated, customized data sets accelerate the interoperability  journey.

Interoperability Institute offers customers highly realistic, fully-synthetic patient data sets curated by our Synthetic Patient Data Generator (PatientGen), industry-best FHIR® Subject Matter Experts, and a dedicated technical staff.

Available data formats:

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®)

Admission, Discharge, and Transfer Notifications (ADTs)

Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs)
Unsolicited Vaccine Records (VXUs)

Observation Results (ORUs)

Discharge Summaries (DS)


Available data provisioning:


Delivered as a File via Email


Direct Injection into Interoperability Institute’s Meld Sandbox (FHIR ONLY)


Direct Injection into Customer’s Private Sandbox (FHIR ONLY)


Upload into AWS S3 Bucket for Customer Download

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